Ag Data
Click on an app below to view and download data from the comfort of your browser. This is a living site. We will be continually updating and improving it.
Here is a list of Ag Data News articles that use data from the apps.
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PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University processes data from weather monitors to produce freely available data at the 4km resolution. We downloaded those data and aggregated them temporally and spatially into datasets we hope are useful for researchers and others curious about the weather.
LCFS policies aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by incentivizing the use of low-carbon fuels. This app takes data published in spreadsheets by regulators in CA, OR, and BC and makes it viewable and downloadable from your browser.
USDA uses satellite imagery to map the crop planted on each 30mx30m pixel in the lower 48 states. Use this app to view the data, including side-by-side views to compare across years.
California county agricultural commissioners produce annual spreadsheets on acreage and production by county and commodity. For 10 major commodities, this app makes those data viewable and downloadable from your browser.
USDA's Risk Management Agency publishes annual spreadsheets containing data on the federal crop insurance program by county and commodity. This app makes those data viewable and downloadable from your browser.
USDA publishes annual spreadsheets containing data on wine grape acreage and production by California Grape Pricing District. This app makes those data viewable and downloadable from your browser.
R code for obtaining widely used data on agriculture, transportation, and trade. We use APIs, so they are particularly useful for those who want to keep data frequently updated.
This app provides links to the websites and organizations where you can find data related to agriculture and natural resources. All of the listed data are publicly accessible. Email me to suggest databases to add.
We set up this app as an early warning system for failure of agricultural commodity futures prices to converge to the spot price at expiration. However, we have not updated the app since 2021 due to lack of freely available futures price data. For more on non-convergence, see this paper.
Weekly data on US exports of agricultural commodities from USDA FAS.
The app visualizes monthly cropland-weighted county-level data from PRISM weather data by zip code, county, or state..